The transformative power of plank pose

Strengthen your core, engage multiple muscle groups and boost overall fitness.

Plank is an excellent core-strengthening exercise that also engages the shoulders, arms and glutes. Moreover, as a full-body exercise, planking boosts metabolism, increasing overall calorie burn and assisting with weight management.

Metaphysically, plank builds willpower and determination. In yoga, the posture “draws a line of vibrant energy from the top of the head out through the feet and ignites the solar plexus” *, the seat of our confidence.

Get the best results from this exercise and avoid injuries by knowing how to perform, modify and progress plank with optimal technique.

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.”

Tommy Lasorda

How to do a perfect plank

Plank demonstrated by Catharina Smit, Gold Coast, 2022

To perform, modify and progress a plank, check out our video or follow the steps outlined below.

  • Come to all fours kneeling.
  • Set the hands up directly under the shoulders and spread the fingers wide. Distribute the weight evenly through the fingertips and the base of the hand.
  • Actively engage the muscles of the arms and the upper back. With straight arms, press the mat away from you and draw the triceps in towards each other so that the elbows point backward.
  • Slightly protract the shoulder blades to support the shoulder joint, and draw the shoulders away from the ears, creating space for your neck.
  • Engage the core, pulling the navel in toward the spine.
  • Lift the knees off the mat and extend the legs.
  • Create length from the crown of the head through the tail to the heels. Draw the crown forwards while keeping the neck in neutral. Press back into the heels, engage the glutes and legs, and slightly tuck the pelvis to prevent sagging in the lower back.
  • Keep this core activation and maintain a spacious chest to take smooth, even breaths.
  • Hold the plank for as long as you can maintain proper form, aiming for at least 20-30 seconds to start.

How to modify plank

Plank modification demonstrated by Catharina Smit, Gold Coast, 2022

To modify plank:

  • Come to all fours kneeling.
  • Walk your hands forward to create a diagonal line from the knees to the shoulders.
  • Option 1: Align the hands directly underneath the shoulders. Remain on your knees and maintain alignment from the knees through the hips to the shoulders.
  • Option 2: Bend the elbows and set them up directly under the shoulders.
  • If it is more comfortable for you, bring the hands together and interlace the fingers.
  • Actively engage the muscles of the arms and the upper back. With your elbows, press the mat away from you.
  • Slightly protract the shoulder blades to support the shoulder joint, and draw the shoulders away from the ears, creating space for your neck.
  • Engage the core, pulling the navel in toward the spine.
  • Option 3: From an elbow plank, lift the knees off the mat and extend the legs.
  • Create length from the crown of the head through the tail to the heels. Engage the glutes, and slightly tuck the pelvis to prevent sagging in the lower back.
  • Maintain a spacious chest to take smooth, even breaths.

How to progress plank – advanced techniques & options

Advanced plank demonstrated by Catharina Smit, Gold Coast, 2022

Some ways to progress plank (elbow planks will be explored in the next installment):

  • From an elbow plank with the knees lifted, drop one knee at a time, keeping the hips and shoulders square.
  • Drop and lift both knees.
  • Drop the hips to one side and then the other, keeping the shoulders square.
  • Cross one foot over at a time.
  • Bring one knee to the same side elbow for a side climber, maintaining alignment from shoulders to heels.
  • Come to full plank on your hands, and take a slow mountain climber, bringing knees to chest.
  • Now take a slow cross climber, bringing knee to opposite shoulder.
  • Lift one leg at a time upward.
  • Drop the knees, sit back to child’s pose and rest.

Benefits of plank

The benefits of regularly incorporating planks into your workout routine include:

  1. Core strength: Planks target the entire core, including the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and obliques, leading to improved core strength and stability.
  2. Improved posture: Strengthening the core muscles through planks can help improve overall posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain.
  3. Muscular integrity and stability: Regularly practising planks can enhance overall stability and muscular integrity, as it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  4. Enhanced metabolism: As a full-body exercise, planking can contribute to a boosted metabolism, aiding in overall calorie burn and weight management.

Common mistakes when performing plank

When performing plank exercises, it’s crucial to be aware of common mistakes to ensure proper form and prevent potential injury. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Dropping or raising the hips: One of the most common mistakes is allowing the hips to drop or raise, which can lead to improper engagement of the core muscles and increase the risk of lower back strain. Maintaining a straight line from the head to the heels is essential for effective execution.
  2. Sagging or rounding the back: Similarly, allowing the back to sag or round during a plank can lead to improper spinal alignment and diminished core activation. It’s important to maintain a neutral spine and engage the abdominal muscles to prevent any sagging or rounding. Overarching the lower back can place excessive strain on the lumbar spine and compromise the integrity of the exercise. Tucking the pelvis slightly and engaging the glutes can help prevent overarching and maintain proper spinal alignment.
  3. Incorrect hand placement: Placing the hands too far forward or backward can affect the alignment of the shoulders and wrists, potentially causing strain or discomfort in these areas. It’s essential to align the hands directly under the shoulders and distribute the weight evenly through the fingertips and the base of the hand.
  4. Neglecting core engagement: Failing to engage the core muscles properly during a plank can diminish the effectiveness of the exercise and place unnecessary stress on the lower back. Ensuring active core engagement by pulling the navel toward the spine is important for a successful plank.

Safety precautions for plank exercises

In addition to being mindful of common mistakes, consider these safety precautions when performing plank exercises:

  1. As always, consult with a healthcare professional: Before incorporating plank exercises into your fitness routine, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you have any existing medical conditions or concerns.
  2. Maintain proper form: Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise, paying attention to the alignment of the body and the engagement of the core and supporting muscles.
  3. Gradually increase duration and intensity: When starting out with plank exercises, it’s important to begin with shorter durations and gradually increase both the duration and intensity as your strength and endurance improve.
  4. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any discomfort or strain during plank exercises and adjust your positioning or take a break if needed. Pushing through pain or discomfort can increase the risk of injury.
  5. Explore modifications: If you experience challenges with traditional plank exercises, consider exploring modifications or alternative variations to suit your individual needs and abilities.

By being mindful of these common mistakes and following safety precautions, you can maximise the benefits of plank exercises while minimising the risk of injury. Remember to prioritise proper technique, gradual progression and attentive self-care throughout your fitness journey.


Incorporating planks into your fitness regimen can yield a multitude of benefits, from enhanced core strength and better posture to improved muscular integrity. As with any new exercise routine, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning. By regularly practicing proper plank techniques and exploring variations, you can cultivate a stronger, more stable foundation for overall physical wellbeing. Remember, your health and safety always come first. Stay tuned for our next installment, where we delve into the intricacies of side planks.

DISCLAIMER: Please consult your physician before commencing any exercise program or yoga practice. The video cited in this article is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You agree that by participating in the exercises demonstrated there is the possibility of injury, and you assume the risk and responsibility for this.


Here are some articles I found valuable:

* Ashworth, Kathryn, in Yoga International, How to Make the Most of your Plank Pose –

Keller, D, So Long, Sore Shoulders!, 2008

Long, R, Preventing Yoga Injuries vs Preventing Yoga, Part II: Joint Hypermobility,, 2013.

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